The Story of Dirty Profit, Inhumane Weapons Development, Science & Medical Fraud, and Illegal Testing on the Population...

YouTube Videos

Below are some worthwhile YouTube vdeos to check out on bioweapons and related area of study...

Dr. Garth Nicolson - Weaponized Mycoplasma

Biological Warfare (Lyme Disease)

Lyme Cryme - Exposing LYMErix and Lyme disease Fraud

Weaponized Fungus - The Ultimate Conspiracy | Patty Yu on EVER

AIDS & MYCOPLASMA - The Crime Beyond Belief with Dr. Donald Scott

Weaponized Brucella - Black Ops Radio with Dr. Donald Scott Pt. I

Weaponized Brucella - Black Ops Radio with Dr. Donald Scott Pt. II

Gulf War Syndrome - COVER UP GWS Brucella melitensis 

The Officially Ignored Link Between Lyme Disease & Plum Island

What You're Not Being Told About Lyme Disease - Reluctant Preppers with Dr. Jay Neilson, M.D. 

Lyme Disease Exposed - Randy Sykes

The Mycoplasma Contaminated Vaccines & Autism Connection

Chronic Diseases: Who's killing us, and how? with Dr. Garth Nicolson Ph.D. 

Terrible New Diseases - Dr. Garth Nicolson, Ph.D.

Deadly Vaccines - Contaminated with Mycoplasma

How Vaccines Hurt You - Dr. Russell Blaylock

Eugenics, Fluoride & Vaccines - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock